PUMPkin Degen

$PUMPD token - Love that PUMPkin Degen 🚀 Moon 🌕 Pie.

Buy on Jupiter Play the GameBuy on Raydium

Contract: 3PJCcgpo5h1dBk1A7CohrosZiyZjTdi2zJwwEouqpump

Halloween P2B exchange listing

🎃 PUMPkin Degens are releasing their new game this Halloween! 🚀 Get ready as $PUMPD gets listed on P2B, Europe's largest CEX, with over $2 billion in daily trades and 50 million visitors. 🔥 Backed by a massive marketing blitz, this launch is set to ignite the crypto scene! 💥

Train to win on Halloween!

Start playing PUMPkin Degen, we are giving away a total of $10000 in rewards on Halloween for the highest scores!

Game Characters

The OG Degen

Unlocked since Pump.fun

With default attributes, the OG PUMPkin Degen is your first character played on the PUMPkin haunted crypto patch.

Le Pumpkinesse

Unlocks at $20M MC

This gorgeous and delicious Pumpkinesse Degen unlocks at $10M market cap and has double speed. Moon Pie is her favorite reward.

The CyberPumpd

Unlocks at $30M MC

With 3x attributes, this robotic character is highly efficient and blows your degen competition out of the haunted crypto patch.

These legends are here to shake up the meme-coin universe and remind us that holding $PUMPD tokens is all about having a laugh at the jeeters.

for the true degen

Less than 1 Billion $PUMPD tokens (almost 13M burned so far).

We’ve got a billion tokens in supply, and we’re not afraid to use them. Buying begins on pump.fun with Raydium listings coming soon. Want in? Better hurry before the patch is picked clean!

PUMPD Coin Burning

The game has a burning algorithm and 50% of $PUMPD game fees will be burned.
The other 50% will be used to list on a CEX every month.
Estimatively 50% of the supply will be burned within the next 6 months.
The more you play, the more the supply decreases, and the memes get hotter. You in?

Funkin Pumpkin Lotto (Coming Soon)

Take your degenerate gambling to new heights with our weekly PUMPkin Lotto. Who needs 9-to-5s when you’ve got the chance to meme your way to millionaire status?

Pump-O-Meter Madness

At the heart of $PUMPD is our Pump-O-Meter. The more you hold, the more fun you’ll have when it goes wild!

The PUMPkin Degen Roadmap

✅ Phase 1: Launch Time

• Coin launch on pump.fun
• The PUMPkin Degen game is live.
• Bonding Curve complete, Raydium SENDORR!

Phase 2: Solana Wallets Integration

• We launch a limited access test version with $PUMPD token entry fees for the game.
• Meme contest for the funniest PUMPkin Degen meme.
• First PUMPD Lotto draw – who will hit the jackpot?

Phase 3: More Game Characters

• We unlock access to the second game character: Le PUMPkinesse.
• We unlock access to the third game character: The CyberPumpd.
• Launch of PUMPkin Degen NFTs for the degens!

Phase 4: The Wild Haunted Future

• Who knows what’s next? The only thing we can guarantee are scary pumps.

Remember, PUMPkin Degen is about fun, memes, and madness. The future may be unpredictable, but we guarantee the wildest ride you’ve ever had.

Share the PUMPkin Degen Game with your fellow degens!

PUMPkin Degen is purely for entertainment and meme purposes. This is not financial advice. Trade wisely, and always remember, the memes are real, but your portfolio might not be. The creators of $PUMPD are not responsible for your meme-induced investments.
That said, get out there and have some degenerate fun with us!